
CEOS against teleworking?

CEOS against teleworking? Find out why

CEOS against teleworking Without a doubt, the pandemic context has opened up great debates about working from home. Many are in favor, in fact there are those who assure that this modality makes them more productive. But in a world of differences, some executives fear that working remotely will affect the processes of innovation and brainstorming.

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Do you know what a VUCA environment is? This concept dates back to the 1990s and began to be used by American soldiers. It is an acronym for English (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity).

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Digital Sales vs. Face-to-Face Sales

Digital Sales vs. Face-to-Face Sales

Maintaining companies’ income during quarantine has been one of the organizations priorities since the beginning of the crisis caused by Covid-19. And it has been the digital transformation or the strengthening of the digital one of the measures or solutions applied to this important matter.

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Shark teeth in your company: 4 reasons to implement incentive plans

Well-designed incentive plans, based on a series of decisions regarding various components thereof, form a vital element that supports the strategic objectives of an organization. Part of the success in sales incentive plans is to analyze each of these components separately and then integrate them into a unit that makes sense of it. There is sufficient evidence, for many years, of its effectiveness when there is a good design and governance

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